Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Teachers Pay Teachers

I just opened up an account at Teachers Pay Teachers. Many of the items on this blog will be on there. You can still access the posters here for free in their low bandwidth, jpeg versions, but you can pay to get them in the form of clipart or in pdf form which will give you a lot more options in terms of print size.

Please continue to enjoy the free posters. Some of my posters that were not my original idea will not be on there or will be on for free.

My Alias is Stevie Wonderson

Thanks for following my blog.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Reading Routine Poster - 1st draft

I've been wanting to create a poster for each groups' routine. This one is a very basic Reading Routine poster. It's the first time I've created each component of reading into a logo/pictorial representation. You can use the blank space to write in your objective or other content. I love it's simplicity, but I might work with this design some more.

Friday, February 1, 2013


Here's another sandwich metaphor. Just like stories have a beginning middle and an end, paragraphs also have similar elements: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion.

The introduction introduces everyone to your topic. The Body is Where all of the good stuff is and supports the information stated in the introduction. Finally, the conclusion wraps up what you talked about in a way that the reader feels a sense of closure. It's a way of saying "The End" by using much more interesting wording than "The End".

I know I could really run with the idea of "The Sandwich", and I'm going to play with it for a while. In the meantime here's a poster to go along with this lesson idea.